Civ 5 cheats debug
Civ 5 cheats debug

civ 5 cheats debug

For the most part, revealing the map alone is a potent cheat to a player capable of turning that knowledge into a workable strategy. If you do this over and over, you will keep rediscovering the wonders and accumulate massive amounts of happiness that can allow your cities to grow without worry of unhappiness, and also triggering golden ages over and over depending on how heavily you abuse it. It also reveals the location of all Natural Wonders, giving a +1 permanent boost to happiness for each. This process will automatically introduce your Civ to all City States and other Civilizations. DebugPanel 1 Once you have done this and saved the config.ini file, launch Civilization V and with your current game loaded tap (tilde, found beneath the Esc key on most keyboards) then select Reveal All. After restarting the game with Debug enabled, you can press Control + Z to reveal the entire map. This will enable debug mode in the game, which seems to be primarily aimed at mod development. Open config.ini located in DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier's Civilization 5 and locate the line that says DebugPanel = 0 and change the 0 to a 1 then save the file. For the most part, revealing the map alone is a potent cheat to a player capable of turning that knowledge into a workable strategy.Civ 5's Debug Mode - Reveal Full Map & Unlimited Happiness This process will automatically introduce your Civ to all City States and other Civilizations. Civ 5's Debug Mode - Reveal Full Map & Unlimited Happiness

Civ 5 cheats debug